Besley 7

Four very similar maps appeared about the same time covering the area of north Devon between Ilfracombe and Lynton. All three cover exactly the same area from Hartland to Minehead and include smaller maps of Ilfracombe and of Lynton with Lynmouth and all three are of similar size. The coast section is taken from Besley's map of North Devon (see B&B 134 North) of 1857. This later map was included in editions of the Route Book and in the Hand Book of North Devon which both have advert pages with the notation (71) on the first page: a typical dating technique of Besley’s, indicating publication in 1871. 

Three of these maps were lithographed by Charles King of Exeter. The first version appeared in 1868, published by John Banfield for his Shilling Guide-Book to North Devon, now in its fourth edition (see Banfield 7). The map is dated 1868, so predates Besley by two years. William Stewart began publishing guides to north Devon and Ilfracombe about the same time and his first map, which must be assumed to be a direct copy, appeared in 1872, is signed and dated by Chas. King of 8 Alma Terrace, St Sidwells, Exeter but was redrawn some six years later, this time lithographed by F J Halfyard of Exeter (see Stewart 1 and 2). 

Size: 310 x 400 mm.          Scale of English Miles (10 = 80 mm).               

COAST OF NORTH DEVON (Aa) together with maps of  ILFRACOMBE (below left; scale 20 chains = 50 mm) and LYNTON AND LYNMOUTH (below right; same scale). Imprint: Printed & Published by Henry Besley, Directory Office, South St, Exeter.  (CeOS). Lithographer's signature below the scale bar to Ilfracombe plan: C. King, Lith, 8 Alma Terrace, Exeter, 1870.

Map of North Devon shows coast from Hartland to Minehead. Projected railway to Ilfracombe is through Heanton Punchardon and Braunton with "S" curve to Ilfracombe. Projected railway Taunton-Barnstaple. Sketch plans of Ilfracombe and Lynton with Lynmouth. 

1. 1871 The Route Book Of Devon
Exeter. H Besley. (1871). BL[1], KB.

The Hand Book Of North Devon, Bude, Launceston, Tavistock, &c. with a trip on the Crediton and North Devon Railways
Exeter. H Besley. (1871). KB.

2. 1874  Railway to Ilfracombe is through Heanton Punchardon and Braunton with gentle curve ("C") to Ilfracombe. Projected second route Barnstaple to Ilfracombe passing Bittadon. Printer's signature deleted. 

The Hand Book Of North Devon, Bude, Launceston, Tavistock, &c. with a trip on the Crediton and North Devon Railways
Exeter. H Besley. (1874). KB. 

3. 1877  Imprint: Printed & Published by H Besley & Son, Directory Office, South St, Exeter.  (CeOS). Taunton to Barnstaple line completed. The easterly railway to Ifracombe has been deleted. Both lower maps show substantial signs of reworking, especially Ilfracombe; note especially the different script (except for streets most names are no longer in capitals) and different shading technique. Station replaces previous PROPOSED RAILY STN and Belgrave Cottage becomes Belgrave House (Ae). Illustrated. 

The Route Book Of Devon
Exeter. H Besley. (1877). BL, KB.

The Hand Book Of North Devon, Bude, Launceston, Tavistock, &c. with a trip on the Crediton and North Devon Railways

Exeter. H Besley and Son[2]. (1880)[3]. KB. 

[1] BL (,

[2] Besley was using the company of Adams and Francis (W J Adams & Sons) to distribute his books and views in London (p.17 of adverts).

[3]  This edition has text dated to Sept. 1877 (p. 32) and a reference to Bideford Grammar School expected to be completed Michaelmas 1878 but the adverts section appears to be dated 1880, ie 80 printed on first advertising page.


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